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Scroll down for ‘The story behind the print’

For this design of beautiful, vintage, everyday HK objects, I rented a small ‘Kaido’ Junk boat with our local ‘boat man’ Mr.William Wong. I asked him to take me to an island where traditional houses still stand; as I wanted to capture this remnant of HK’s past before it disappears. That day William presented me with a lovely antique hand painted bowl and said “This was a wedding gift, I have no use for this now and I know you love old Chinese objects, I would like you to have it.”   That very special bowl just had to be incorporated into this design. The blue tiles were shot inside one of the old houses that are depicted along the bottom row, and the iconic post boxes in the image are a familiar sight in the local villages. The traditional tea flasks were collected on my travels in Shanghai and HK, as were the teapot, fabrics, and papers in the background of the design.