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Scroll down for ‘The story behind the print’

While we lived in HK we called Sai Kung home and I had so much fun finding images that celebrate our quirky little fishing village. Sai Kung prides itself on its seafood restaurants and fantastic ‘laid back holiday’ atmosphere. The cows roam freely, often stopping the traffic, locals show off their pet pooches on Sundays, and you can catch a Junk boat to many of the outlying beaches and islands that make up the Sai Kung Country Park. The park is also a great place for hiking, water-sports, and BBQ’s. The pink patterns on this design come from the linoleum on the floor of the boats, and I also included Sai Kung’s version of Harrods - our beloved Sheun Kee City Housewares - the shop that sells everything! The whole scene is being affectionately looked over by the Chinese Opera who come to town on special occasions.