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Scroll down for ‘The story behind the print’

For this design I wanted to capture the busy hustle and bustle of the Central district of HK - The traditional signs, iconic trams, the traffic, and the street furniture that you see all around you when you are walking the pavements in this vibrant city. I spent many hours taking photos of taxis, trams and buses, but my personal favourite HK icon in this print is the ‘Pawn Shop’ sign on the top right. With over 250 of them in Central and Kowloon, you see these traditional pawnshops everywhere on the streets of HK. The swallows are a common sight in the city, making their nests under awnings and air-cons. I included them in this design because, although the concrete city is so built up and congested there are constant reminders of the nature and wildlife that lives amongst it if you look closely enough.  In a vertical city like HK you must remember to look up!