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Scroll down for ‘The story behind the print’

One of my favourite places to explore whilst living in HK is the bustling areas of Sham Shui Po and Mongkok.  Here you will find wonderful old restaurants, shops and markets full of fabrics, haberdashery, buttons, beads, feathers and ribbons.  I love these areas for their authentic grittiness, old HK flavours and their remaining traditions such as the popular game of Mahjong.  Meaning 'sparrow', Mahjong is still widely played in HK and China and can often be seen being played on the streets, in the city parks and old tea houses.  The delicious teatime treat of 'egg tarts' or 'Pastel de nata' is playfully included too and was originally introduced to HK by the Portuguese in the 1940's via Macau.  The two smaller buildings on the left and right of my design are a couple of examples of remaining local 1930's shop houses in the area.