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100% profit goes to Emma & the kids at SUNRISE CHILDREN'S ASSOCIATION in NEPAL!

Scroll down for ‘The story behind the print’

I like to think that this design is a riot of vibrant colours and joy - just like these fantastic kids!!

To say the kids at Sunrise in Nepal are close to my heart is an understatement, not least because I met their '‘Aamaa’ (meaning ‘mother’) on my wedding day! 

Emma Taylor O.A.M (Order of Australia Medal) is one of the most selfless and inspiring humans I have ever had the pleasure to meet.  After volunteering for 3 months in a very poorly run orphanage back in 2004, she gave up her job as a Media Strategist in Melbourne to move to Nepal and along with local partners, open Sunrise Home, a safe, loving home for children rescued from illegal or abusive orphanages or other situations of neglect. Realising over 85% of children in orphanages in Nepal are not orphans, but vulnerable children enticed or willingly sent away from home for a better life and education, Emma and the team then started a series of education scholarship programs, to enable them to stay with their families and get an education.  
Emma has been based in Nepal for most of the past 15 years, enabling her to fulfil her role as ‘Aamaa’, ‘Didi’ (‘big sister’) and ‘Saathi’ (‘friend’), as well as closely overseeing SCAI’s projects. Emma’s Nepali name is “Maya” which means “love”, given to her by the local community and representative of her love and dedication.

A few years ago, my husband Ryan and I and our twin boys Ezra & Jude travelled to Kathmandu, Nepal to meet some of the children and whilst there decided that we would love to help them, so never being one to 'do things by halves', Ryan ran 250km across the Sahara desert to raise money to help build them the new Sunrise Home in the hills outside of the city where they would have more space to live, learn, keep cattle, grow vegetables and be more self-sufficient all round.

As parents of twin boys, we sponsor two little boys from Sunrise on behalf of Ezra and Jude and now I have designed this special print to raise funds to support more children in need, as so many fundraising events have been cancelled due to COVID.
